Znalosť jazykov je bránou k múdrosti.
Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.
Roger Bacon
Mgr. Dávid Selecký
Lektor anglického a slovenského jazyka
O mne
Volám sa Dávid Selecký a mám 36 rokov. Milujem cudzie jazyky, literatúru a komunikáciu s ľuďmi. Vždy som sa rád vzdelával a učil nové veci. Aj to boli dôvody, pre ktoré som sa rozhodol študovať učiteľstvo anglického a slovenského jazyka a literatúry. Od roku 2013 sa venujem súkromnej výučbe jazykov. Počas svojej praxe som sa stretol s rôznymi metódami a formami výučby jazykov od priamej metódy cez suggestopédiu až po komunkačnú metódu, ku ktorej sa teraz najviac prikláňam. V súčasnosti spolupracujem s dvomi jazykovými školami Global-Lt a Brainy s.r.o, pre ktoré vyučujem anglický jazyk a slovenčinu pre cudzincov vo firmách automobilového priemyslu.
Stefan S.
From my point of view, Mr. Selecky is
- Highly qualified: Since I am very curious and interested also for the background of the language and it’s rules we often had longer discussions about reasons and basic rules for e.g. grammar.
- Very structured: Mr. Selecky built up a well structured program, where he did not only go along a book, but first started with the basics, but then integrated topics that were useful for our professional communication; he also had the clear program to integrate quickly dialogues into the program which was very helpful since – “unfortunately” – a lot of colleagues have a high language capability in English and/or German, so the only opportunity to practice oral communication was with Mr. Selecky.
- Highly motivated: Mr. Selecky - as already mentioned - did not only go along a book, but presented a mix of different material. He partly even prepared own material in order to specifically prepare us for our business (e.g. description of our departments and professional surrounding).
- Highly reliable and consequent: Mr. Selecky never missed a single lesson, was always in time and planned well in advance our upcoming lessons (which was partly not easy since we often had to change timing); and he never gave up on us – even if we had partly to record a step back instead of progress in our language capabilities. And here I am really grateful to have had Mr. Selecky as teacher, since I am really and highly interested in the Slovak language and was frustrated myself about my slow progress (due to limited time really for a consequent learning for myself) – and Mr. Selecky was the right partner here: Never giving up and continuously motivating myself.
- So – after the last comment – we can also add “Patience” as a strong characteristic of Mr. Selecky.
- Finally, I also would like to mention that it also was a great pleasure to work together with Mr. Selecky; but even though we were laughing a lot during our lessons, he never let the target out of his view and consequently finished each lesson to a defined target.
- Overall, the professional background as teacher is of course helpful for Mr. Selecky – allowing him to work with all pedagogical tools and methods.
So – to sum up – I can highly recommend the cooperation with Mr. Selecky and wish a good and successful professional development for him in the future.
Bastiaan V.
I have David now for 1 year as my Slovak language teacher…
Thanks to his enthusiasm for teaching, these lessons are very fun to have.
Very positive about his teaching style, is that he provides a very good combination between speaking, reading and writing.
After this year I am already able, to go into our production facility and have a small talk with our Slovak operators.
Currently we are trying to avoid speaking English during our lessons, to have a bigger improvement of my Slovak language.
I am really looking forward towards my next lessons with David.
A. Krchová a E. Krajčovičová
Opäť po včerajšej hodine musíme veľmi pochváliť Dávida !! Je úžasný a
prajem Vám, aby u Vás zotrval čo najdlhšie, lebo má vzácny dar
vtiahnutia nás študentov do diania. Po našej celodennej vyčerpávajúcej
práci nás dokáže neuveriteľne zaujať a my si ani neuvedomujeme ako
rýchlo ten čas plynie, čo považujeme za veľmi dobrú vizitku učiteľa.
Máme k Vám prosbu. Ak by bolo možné dať nám Davida aspoň 1x v týždni,
tak by sme Vám boli veľmi povďačné !!!
Sean H.
Can I state on record how pleased I was with David’s tutoring, the brief few sessions we had were valuable and I felt I learnt a lot in such a short amount of time.
Fiona and Peter R.
I highly recommend David Selecký as a language instructor. David arrived prepared, enthusiastic, and on time consistently. David knew when to push our learning and when to practice previous lessons. His lessons were direct, enjoyable, and imperative to our acclimation in Slovakia. David mixed every day vocabulary for shopping, eating out, and navigating the city with business vocabulary essential to communicate with the work environment.